Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How to make fashion footwear work better

How to make Fashion Footwear Work Better

Yikes !  Fashion Pumps and Gorgeous Footwear
How we men love them. . .
Lets face it, fashion will always drive women to look their best.   Women who are fashion orientated will never get rid of their pumps.
What we have done is enable the foot to better function in high fashion shoes.   This is done through the "Style Orthotic" which is designed to enhance biomechanical function in extreme fashion shoes.
The problems of Orthotics and fashion footwear are (2);
  1. Bulkiness of the custom device - It needs to be a low profile custom Orthotic.
  2. Integration of the custom device into the Fashion Shoe - We need to have the shoe so the Orthopedic Technician can properly integrate the device for a perfect fit, (Footwear Integration). 
The symptoms should be obvious;
  • Increased metatarsal head pressures due to rearfoot to forefoot position as the ankle joint is plantarflexed.
  • Metatarsal Neuromas - Metatarsalgia - Plantar Metatarsal Tylomas and Callouses.
  • Hammertoes - Mallettoes - Bunions (1st and 5th MPJ)
  • Shin Splints
  • Lumbar Spinal Pain due to extenuated Lordosis
  • Aggravates Equinus conditions 
  • 3DO Imaging (Static and Dynamic) for 3D imaging and analysis of peak load pressures
  • Style Orthotics with Poron Sulcus Extension
  • Optional Metatarsal Rise to further offload peak MPJ pressures
  • Metatarsal head pockets to allow the metatarsal heads to offload better.
  • Good Midtarsal Joint Control
Footwear Integration
  • To ensure proper fit into high fashion shoes, send us the footwear and our Lab Technicians will integrate the style device with a precision fit.   The patient will be happier for it.